Jewish Cultural Festival

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    New York Jewish Travel Guide

    The Fifth Annual Jewish Cultural Festival returned to Temple Israel on Sunday, June 7. The entire community—both Jewish and non-Jewish –were invited to share our traditions and learn about us and our faith.

    We expanded our offerings to include additional entertainment for your listening and viewing pleasure,  an Israeli-themed petting zoo, more education sessions in new areas of interest  and the Inaugural Oy Vey 5k run/walk.  Here is a highlight of what happened:

    Learning: Lively and interactive education topics centered around specific aspects of Jewish culture, including food and cooking, Jewish athletes, Israeli responses to terrorism, unique and interesting Jewish ritual objects, and what it means to be a Jew.  The festival’s Mitzvah Alley  focused on the Gift of Life bone marrow registry and other interfaith outreach efforts and successes.  There were also opportunities to learn about going “green” and supporting our environment.

    Main stage entertainment showcased great music and dance, featuring folk, rock and roll, klezmer, Broadway music of Jewish songwriters and performers, and Israeli folk dancing.  The music headliner was the Cincinnati Klezmer Project and our dance headliner was the Shimmy Cats Dance Troupe.

    El Meson, Pasha Grill, Smokin’ Bar-B-Que, and Bernstein’s Catering pleased palates with Jewish foods in the style of their own menus, including falafel, brisket, hummus, Jewish deli, and some vegetarian twists on authentic cuisine.  Our bakery supplied the challah, rugellah, honey cake, hamantaschen, mandel bread, and Passover brownies.  Graeter’s Ice Cream completed the meal with one of their delicious (kosher) flavors!

    What could be better…for adults…than a cold kosher craft beer on a hot afternoon.  Patrons sampled hand-selected brews direct from Shmalz Brewing Company, including He’Brew, Madtree, and Ace.  For non-drinkers, an assortment of Dr. Brown’s sodas, a favorite in Jewish delicatessens, were on hand.

    Kids had a hands-on experience at our Israeli-themed petting zoo (which included a camel!) and other crafts and activities about the state of Israel.

    An open-air market full of local artisans and entrepreneurs had Jewish and Israeli arts and crafts for purchase.  


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