Golem ! Jewish Museum of Paris

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    The myth of artificial life – from homunculi and cyborgs to robots and androids – is the focus of an extensive thematic exhibition about the golem at the Jewish Museum of Paris. This most prominent of Jewish legendary figures has inspired generations of artists and writers to this day.

    The exhibition presents the golem from a variety of perspectives, from its inception in a Jewish mystical ritual to its role as a subject of popular storytelling in film and its afterlife in artistic and digital realms. The golem symbolizes each era’s dreaded dangers and hopes for redemption. The exhibition uses the golem figure to examine topics like creativity, creation, power, and redemption.

    Where : Jewish Museum of Paris

    Musée d’Art et d’Histoire du Judaïsme de Paris

    Hôtel de Saint-Aignan – 71, rue du Temple 75003 Paris

    When : Until July 16, 2017

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