Now, you can take a direct flight from Goa to Tel Aviv

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    Now, you will be able to take direct flights from Goa to Tel Aviv. The first direct flight from Israel recently landed in Goa, carrying over 200 passengers. And as per the latest news reports, this new airline will operate a weekly flight to Goa, i.e., on Thursdays.

    During the 90s, Goa encountered a substantial number of visitors from Israel, but this will be the first time when a direct flight has been introduced. It is believed that the flight between Tel Aviv and Goa will boost the footfall of tourists from Israel in the coastal state as well as make it more convenient for Goans going on pilgrimage to Israel. Experts are of the view that this step will definitely benefit both the countries.

    Reportedly, tour operators have already started getting bookings, as Goa quite loved by the Israelis. In fact, a decade ago, Israelis used to visit Goa to unwind after their mandatory national training. And earlier, Arambol used to be the favorite spot of Israeli, until Russian tourists made the Arambol-Morjim belt their second home. Officials in the know-how further stated that since a lot of Goans visit Israel on a three-country pilgrimage, these direct flights will offer them better travel options.

    Travel News World

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