Heroes of Kindness: Celebrating the Impact of Chai Lifeline

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    On Tuesday, December 17, 2024, Chai Lifeline hosted an inspiring evening at Pier Sixty in New York City, honoring Rabbi Chaim and Chavie Bruk with the Champions of Hope Award and Dr. David J. Hackam of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center with the Maimonides Medical Achievement Award. The gala’s theme, “Shining Together,” perfectly reflected Chai Lifeline’s mission to uplift and unite all those impacted by serious illness and crisis—offering strength and hope to sick children, their families, and the broader community in the face of unimaginable challenges.

    The evening began with Rivky Zukerman, the master of ceremonies, warmly welcoming attendees. “Your presence means so much to every child and family we serve,” she said. “Tonight, we celebrate remarkable individuals whose dedication has transformed countless lives. Rabbi Chaim and Chavie Bruk, as well as Dr. David Hackam, have shown unwavering commitment to Chai Lifeline’s mission—bringing healing, joy, and hope to families in their darkest moments. Together, all of you—our supporters, volunteers, staff, and families—shine a powerful light of resilience and love.”

    Rivky Zukerman, Chai Lifeline, New York Jewish Guide

    Honoring Rabbi Chaim and Chavie Bruk

    The Champions of Hope Award was presented to Rabbi Chaim and Chavie Bruk by Mordy Rothberg, co-chair of Chai Lifeline’s Board of Directors; Joe Hammer, Chairman of the Executive Committee; and Rabbi Sruli Fried, MSW, Director of Chai Lifeline New Jersey/Pennsylvania.

    Chavie Bruk shared a touching reflection during her acceptance speech: “As I was walking along the beach with God, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. But in my life’s darkest moments, I saw only one set of footprints. I questioned why God would leave me during my greatest trials, and He answered, ‘My precious child, when you saw only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.’”
    Quoting the iconic Footprints in the Sand poem, Chavie described how this message of divine love has sustained her family through their most difficult times. “Hashem gives us the strength to move forward, sending angels like those at Chai Lifeline and Camp Simcha to be by our side.”

    Rabbi Chaim and Chavie Bruk: Recipients of The Champions of Hope Award, New York Jewish Guide


    Rabbi Chaim Bruk added, “We are humbled to accept this award. It is our duty to ensure that every member of Kol Yisrael facing illness or emotional distress has a place of support—a guiding light to a better day. Chai Lifeline truly delivers joy and hope to children and families in crisis. For us, the organization, and especially Camp Simcha, has been a transformative oasis of serenity during challenging times.”

    The Bruks’ connection to Chai Lifeline is deeply personal. Their daughter, Zeesy, was born with a rare genetic disorder, resulting in developmental delays and seizures. Thanks to Chai Lifeline’s unwavering support—including Camp Simcha, a medically supervised overnight camp for children with serious medical needs—the Bruk family has found strength, belonging, and joy amidst their challenges.

    Recognizing Dr. David J. Hackam

    The Maimonides Medical Achievement Award was presented to Dr. David J. Hackam by David Klein and Avi Meir, executive members of Chai Lifeline’s Board of Directors, along with our friends from Eagle Partners, Elliot Mandelbaum and Racheli Daniel, Director of Chai Lifeline Mid Atlantic.

    Dr. Hackam, this year’s recipient of the Maimonides Medical Achievement Award, was honored for his pioneering work in pediatric surgery and his unwavering dedication to improving outcomes for critically ill children. Rivky Zukerman highlighted Chai Lifeline’s vital partnerships with top medical centers around the world, including Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, where Dr. Hackam has become a symbol of hope for families. “Through these collaborations, we ensure the highest standards of care for children and their families,” she said.

    The Maimonides Medical Achievement Award was presented to Dr. David J. Hackam, New York Jewish Guide


    A Night of Inspiration

    The evening’s entertainment added a dynamic and uplifting touch. World-renowned artist Robert Channing, who gained acclaim on America’s Got Talent, mesmerized the audience with his unique glue-and-glitter painting demonstration, leaving attendees in awe.

    A special performance by the incomparable Shmuel (Perednik), a gifted and captivating composer in the local music scene, left a lasting impression. Drawing inspiration from Dovid Hamelech to contemporary popular music, Shmuel’s unique style blends the depth of a soulful singer with the talent of a masterful melody maker. His performance had the audience fully immersed, singing along to beloved songs, clapping in rhythm, cheering enthusiastically, and erupting into applause.

    A special performance by the incomparable Shmuel Perednik, New York Jewish Guide

    Rabbi Simcha Scholar, Chief Executive Officer of Chai Lifeline, took the stage with heartfelt words. “In the Hall of Fame of Chai Lifeline, among the stars and heroes tonight, the brilliance of their stories shines brightly.

    He went on to recognize the dedicated individuals who made Chai Lifeline’s mission possible. “I want to acknowledge our Board of Directors, our incredible staff, our devoted volunteers, Camp Simcha alumni, and of course, my partner in life, Michelle. Together, we bring light and hope into the lives of so many. Recently, we brought 44 children undergoing active cancer treatment to Disney World. Throughout that trip, we shared a glimpse of Camp Simcha’s magic—an injection of normalcy, love, and happiness. We bridged these children to warmth and encouragement. Cancer is a war; illness is a battle. And the right attitude is often the key to survival. As King Solomon taught, ‘The spirit of a person sustains them through their illness.’ While doctors administer treatments, it is Chai Lifeline that lifts their spirits.”

    Rabbi Scholar highlighted the organization’s work in addressing crises and tragedies. “Our crisis team, present tonight, deals with the unthinkable—sudden deaths, plane crashes, and the lingering trauma that follows. Our counselors provided essential support to affected families. Just this past weekend, dozens of families found solace at Camp Simcha, receiving guidance and inspiration from professionals on coping with life-threatening. Chai Lifeline uniquely supports families, teaching them how to navigate the challenges of illness and care for one another through its emotional and physical toll.

    Rabbi Simcha Scholar, Chief Executive Officer of Chai Lifeline, New York Jewish Guide

    He reflected on the magnitude of Chai Lifeline’s efforts. As we approach Hanukkah, we are collecting tens of thousands of toys, ready to distribute them to families around the world. Hanukkah parties bring isolated families together, reminding them that they are part of a community—a family—and that connection gives them strength. It is truly unbelievable what we’ve accomplished. Leading this organization has been a profound privilege, and yet, as I reflect on what we achieve in a single week—let alone in 52 weeks—I am overwhelmed with emotion.”

    Rabbi Scholar shared a deeply personal moment. “At 3:32 AM this past Sunday, tears rolled down my cheeks—not tears of mourning, though I dearly miss my 97-year-old mother. These were tears of pride, accomplishment, and gratitude. But also, tears of fear. How do we take Chai Lifeline to the next level? How do we accommodate the dozens of children waiting for a place at Camp Simcha? Who do we say ‘yes’ to, and who do we turn away?

    Chai Lifeline, New York Jewish Guide
























    Mothers—and many of you in this room know this—will do anything for their child. And as a family, brothers and sisters, so must we. This past year has shown us the power of unity. Across college campuses, in cities around the world—Montreal, Los Angeles, Sydney, Columbia University—we’ve learned that we survive because we are family.”

    He concluded with a powerful call to action. “Charity and kindness are like a mighty river, sparking revolutions of good. Each act of kindness changes the world. Tonight, let us take inspiration from the heroes among us. Let us not rest on what we’ve done but use it as a springboard to do even more. Good deeds should not just be memories—they must inspire us to continue building a better world. Acts of kindness, love, and acceptance are the building blocks of our future. I ask each of you: Who will join this boat, sailing on the river of hesed, kindness, and hope? Together, we will light up the world and create the foundation to help more children and more families.

    In her closing remarks, Rivky expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of Chai Lifeline’s Board of Directors, staff, and the thousands of families the organization serves. “Thank you for your unwavering generosity, kindness, and year-round dedication to our mission,” she said. “You are the light in the darkness for so many. While we’ve achieved so much together, our work is far from over. Let tonight serve not just as a celebration but as a call to action—a steppingstone to greater heights.”

    She continued, “With your support, we can continue to transform lives, bring comfort to those in pain, and offer hope where it is most needed. Let us carry this spirit of unity and kindness forward, ensuring that no child or family faces illness or hardship alone. Thank you for standing with us and for being the heroes who make Chai Lifeline’s mission possible. Together, we are changing the world, one act of kindness at a time.”

    As an added treat, Shmuel captivated the audience with a special encore during dessert. Guests savored their sweets as his soulful performance serenaded them, blending music and indulgence into a perfect e

    Meyer Harroch, New York Jewish Guide

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