Passover at Pastoral Kfar Blum

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    Amidst mountain streams within a green oasis, Pastoral Hotel awaits you offering a unique experience.
    A step away from the Jordan River, facing the Golan and Galilee mountains, there is one hotel which offers an entire unique experience.
    This is the place where music emanates from the human soul and from the earth’s core.
    The Kfar Blum Kibbutz Hotel, member of Kibbutz Hotels Chain, is located on a valley sheltered by Mount Hermon, where the Jordan river flows.

    Unrivaled pleasures await you here – all the pampering comforts of home and of a prestigious hotel, with the verdant tranquillity of a Galilee village.
    • 45 new boutique rooms 5 star rating.
    • 192 modern, designed rooms surrounded by lawns and flowers.
    • originally and uniquely designed spa.
    • The hotel restaurant has been redecorated and enlarged A new spacious lobby and a new stylish bar.
    • The hotel restaurant offers first rate culinary creations from international cuisine blended with authentic Galilee aroma.
    Pastoral Hotel Kfar Blum in the Upper Galilee has just opened its new boutique wing, comprising 45 rooms.
    As a result, the Ministry of Tourism has upgraded the hotel’s rating from standard C (3 stars) to combined standards B+A (4+5 stars), a move that has turned Pastoral into the first kibbutz hotel with the highest rating – 5 stars. This year 18 million shekels was invested in expanding and upgrading the hotel.
    The new wing includes 45 spacious boutique rooms measuring 40 square meters with an enormous bathroom containing a French bath and elliptic shower, Italian ceramics, top quality wooden furniture and free WIFI network. The new hotel rooms have been designed in classic country style rich in materials, linens, colors and elements taken from nature. The connection to nature and the landscapes within the pastoral atmosphere form the kernel of the planning, and receive additional reinforcement by opening the bathroom into the space within, through which the Galilean landscape is reflected.
    The new lobby has been built in Italian style, influenced by the boutique hotels in Tuscany. The lobby was built according to the structural idea of preserving and amplifying the architectural merits of the original patio and imbuing the space with the atmosphere of an inner courtyard linked via stylistic arches with the reception, the restaurant, the convention center and the spa.
    The hotel restaurant offers a rich breakfast is served, including a wealth of various dishes next to the health corner that allows the guest balanced nutrition. The experience is enhanced by the coffee bar, offering espresso, cappuccino and more.
    An indoor heated swimming pool, including a kiddies pool, Finnish sauna, modern Jacuzzi with a view of Mt. Hermon and a bar facing an olive grove and extensive lawns, is being built right now at the cost of an extra 5 million shekels, and will be opened in the spring of 2013.
    Pastoral Hotel, Kfar Blum offers 192 rooms – deluxe, premier, boutique and suites, a state of the art conference center, a prestigious spa offering innovative water attractions and fun, an Olympic pool and a restaurant offering international culinary diversity.
    The well-known “Musical Idyll” weekends of the hotel are now in their tenth year, a unique blend of culture, music, Academia and nature trips in the Galilee.

    Kashrut: Glatt le’ Mehadrin Rabbinate – shruya (soaked matzah/Gebrochts) non-kitniyot.

    The group’s mashgichim and rabbis will be pleased to answer any questions.

    We are available to provide any answers to your satisfaction.

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