The suggestion is for Shabbat meals or for group reservations. The address is Maiselova 18, Prague 1 and it takes less than 1 minute walk from the Old-New Synagogue. This kosher restaurant is reasonably priced and you can feel the atmosphere of the local Prague Jewish community. Even that the food is of average quality, it is interesting experience.
The Jewish Community of Prague is responsible for running this place, located on the ground floor of the Jewish Town Hall. The restaurant provides kosher meat-based meals with a daily menu consisting of soup, a main course, fruit and salad or dessert. Jewish community members pay about 10% of the visitors’ charge for the menu – weekdays 300Kč; Sabbath menu 450Kč. Evening dinners can be booked for groups of over 20 at the Precious Legacy Tours travel agency.
Kosher information and level of King Solomon restaurant:
Shochet: Jewish community of Prague or King Solomon meat
Meat kashruth level: Glatt kosher
Hechsher: rabbi Karol Ephraim Sidon
Mashgiach: Tmidi
This is nice, luxurious and fancy kosher restaurant, about 2 minutes walk from the Old-New synagogue.
Address of this kosher restaurant is Siroka 8, Prague 1.
Their prices are quite high, but the food is very good for the Ashkenazi travelers. The Sephardic Jews may experience a little bit confusion with the Ashkenazi taste of food. But anyway, we can say, that it is the best kosher restaurant in Jewish Prague! Forgot the prices and enjoy the food! You are on vacations, do not forget!
Kosher information and level of King Solomon restaurant:
Shochet: rabbi Weiser from Wienna
Meat kashruth level: kosher Le Mehadrin, Chassidishe
Hechsher: rabbi Jerochim
Mashgiach: Tmidi